Refund Policy

Please read the REFUND POLICY for service offerings. provides full refund of your payment in the following cases:
- If you constantly encounter an error which is preventing you from using our service properly, and if we are not able to correct the error within an acceptable period of time or are unable to suggest a temporary solution.
Please, NOTE! In this case refund is only given if you provide detailed information about the error, supported by additional information if requested by our support staff, such as screenshots, error messages, log files, detailed descriptions of your actions, file samples, etc.
- If you accidentally bought the service more than one time.

We reserve the right to decline refund requests in the following cases:
- If and when user demands refund immediately after buying the service
- If and when user informs us about changing his decision to buy the service without giving any particular reasons. retains the right to permanently block and black list user for violation of the above policy without further explanation.